VIDA MACURA MAGLICA, I am a professional athlete, an entrepreneur, a mother and a wife. I have two young kids with a small age difference. Both of them were born with a C-section and I got back in shape both times. Let me add that I wasn’t “lucky” enough to gain only 7-12 kg during the pregnancy. I gained 22 kg during my first pregnancy with Nik (in 2015) and 25 kg during my second pregnancy with Mia (in 2019). However, only with the Extreme Training® Programme I have managed to get my body back in shape without any diet. I have been involved in sports since my 7th year. I have trained karate and won many titles. Sport has been a part of my life for 33 years now, the last 23 of which I dedicated to my professional career, at first as competitor and then as a trainer. In my long sporting career, I have:
- I was a multiple national champion in karate (sport fighting),
- I was a representative karate of the Republic of Slovenia,
- I gained a title Karate Master (black belt, 1st Dan),
- I obtained a fitness trainer II license at the Faculty of Sports in Ljubljana, Slovenia,
- I am a categorized athlete at the Ministry of Sports of Slovenia.
I believe I can use my knowledge and expertience to help you achieve a healthy and seductive figure, just as I have helped more than 20.000 women so far. I have been involved in sports from a young age. Sport is part of my everyday life and without sport I wouldn’t be me. Therefore, I am extremely grateful that life has given me the opportunity to work as a trainer and to help others in raising their confidence, improving their physical and psychological condition, relieving their back and joint pain and finally, in getting in their best shape.”
Info: http://onelink.to/