MYLGIA VAN UYTRECHT, Smooth moves, clear structures, precise didactic, powerful performance, rousing entertainment and a great sense of humor: that’s the personal style of Mylgia van Uytrecht, Zumba®Education Specialist since 2010. Besides that she inspires people as a professional performing artist and public speaker. Mylgia, was born in the Netherlands, lives in Germany and has her roots in the Caribbean. From the first moment she heard about Zumba® Fitness, she felt deeply inside: Zumba® in program and philosophy is the master plan of her life. She realizes that the Zumba® program could be the answer for many people, too. She constantly motivates people around her, in her classes and instructor trainings with her passion for Zumba®. She teaches Zumba® Basic 1, Zumba® Rhythms 2, Rhythms 3, Pro Skills and Zumba Gold®, mainly in Germany and also, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. Besides that she is a certified Mobility Coach and an experienced CIRCL Mobility instructor. Make sure to experience one of her sessions and get inspired by Mylgia!