MATTIA ZENZOLA, was born in Bari, Italy on January 10th 2004. His mother, Zumba fitness instructor, had immediately noticed in him a predisposition for dancing, which had led him to share his passion for Zumba with her in her classes since the earliest years of his life.Having grown up with great admiration for Zumba and its creator Beto Perez, in 2016, at just 12 years old, he had the opportunity to share the stage with him and other international presenters at the famous “Fitness Concert” in Orlando, Florida.Mattia will take part to this event until its last edition, in 2023.In the meantime, since the age of eight, he became passionate about Latin American dances and he began a competitive journey of great national and international successes which led him to achieve three Italian titles and represent Italy in the World Championships of Latin American dances. At the early age of fifteen he got his diploma as a Zumba fitness instructor, starting to teach with passion and dedication while continuing his successful competitive path in Latin American dancing.At 17, among thousands of candidates, he was admitted to the prestigious school of “Amici”, one of the most popular Italian television talent shows, broadcast on Mediaset, where he’s had the opportunity to study other dance styles and where, after an injury that led him to retreat for a period of time, he returned the following year and managed in May 2023, to be the winner of the edition, surpassing the other dancing and even singing competitors.After a summer being on television and traveling all around Italy, spreading his love for dancing and Zumba, in September he got the leading role in theatre musical inspired by the successful television series "Mare Fuori", which will see him on the stage of the best Italian theatres in a show sold out everywhere. Furthermore, starting from April, he will be busy teaching in various Italian cities, heading many Latin dance classes, events and Zumba fitness masterclasses.