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2 - 5 June 2022
Ready to “GYM” your mind and brain?

ASSOMENSANA. Save the brain

Thursday to Sunday, Hall D5
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We exercise to strengthen our muscles and show off a statuesque body, we take care of our diet to feel good and fit and we adopt lifestyles that help us feel good and stay active.

Excellent physical condition, excellent health, good mood and high self-esteem also have a positive impact on a psychological level. But the brain can also be kept in shape with specific exercises to keep it always efficient, it is our travel companion for life!

We know that starting from the age of 28-30, approximately 100,000 neurons are lost per day and, consequently, cognitive abilities such as concentration, memory, reasoning, processing speed, etc. are reduced. The good news is that the mind and brain can be trained with specific exercises to unlock potential and be mentally efficient at all ages.

This year, in the sacred temple of Wellness in Rimini, Assomensana will bring an eagerly awaited novelty to complete the broad concept of well-being: THE GYM OF THE BRAIN.

In Pavilion D5 - stand 158 - Assomensana's BRAIN TRAINERS will be available to visitors to give practical information on how to keep the main mental functions in shape: memory, concentration, reasoning, speed of reflexes, etc.

In addition, you will be able to:

• carry out the Mental Efficiency Test to know the state of health of mental abilities;

• participate in Mental Gymnastics sessions to train and strengthen cognitive functions;

• learn about strategies to train your brain and keep your mental skills in shape!


During the event, two conferences will also be presented entitled:

- "Train the brain: if you don't use it you lose it" lasting about an hour during which we present the theme of training the mind and brain as a completion of physical and mental well-being. During the speech, practical mental training exercises will be presented;

- "Neuro-cognitive empowerment applied to sport" lasting approximately one hour during which we present the topic of cognitive strategies to support maximum physical performance.

RiminiWellness is also one of the main national stages to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Assomensana and present the 17th edition of the "Mental Aging Prevention Week" which will be held from 23 to 28 September 2024 throughout Italy.

Ready to “GYM” your mind and brain?

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  • 30 May
  • 02 Jun

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