Wabba International
In 2024, RiminiWellness will host the ABSOLUTE ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP of WABBA INTERNATIONAL for the fifth time.
WABBA INTERNATIONAL is present in many countries around the world and organises numerous National and International competitions, in which several thousand competitors participate in total.
WABBA INTERNATIONAL ITALIA (www.wabbaitalia.com) specifically promotes bodybuilding and fitness throughout the national territory. Among its activities, the Federation organises events at local, national and international levels, holds seminars and training stages for competitors, technicians, instructors and federal judges.
To date, it boasts approximately 1,000 registered competitors nationwide, and an organisational staff of 30 regional delegates and 50 judges.
In order to take part in the event in question, it is necessary to be a registered member. Below is all the information and procedures http://www.wabbaitalia.com/tesseramento/
Compulsory online pre-registration https://www.wabbaitalia.com/modulo-iscrizione-concorsi-nazionali-internazionali/
Info and event details https://www.wabbaitalia.com/concorsi/info-mr-ms-italia/